M&A and extraordinary operations

Corporate life undergoes discontinuities with growth-orientated operations that include acquisitions, the consolidation or disposal of assets or investee companies.

Such operations are the result of business strategies aimed at the creation of value, and the need to manage intergenerational handovers or the decision to dispose of the company either to monetise value created over time or recognise that its managerial difficulties are insuperable. 

Typical M&A requirements  

The extensive experience gained in such operations has made Consimp familiar with the requirements typical of a company presenting itself as buyer or seller. In such situations Consimp may become a partner to the company by offering the following services:

  • Identifying a possible counterpart interested in the acquisition or disposal operation (scouting) through its network of existing contacts;
  • Drawing up a business plan and an economic evaluation of the operation so as to determine its feasibility;
  • Assisting the financial and tax due diligence of the company or the business branch of the target company on behalf of both the buyer (buy-side) and seller (sell-side);
  • Assisting in the contractual negotiation phase with the counterpart or its advisers;
  • Structuring an extraordinary operation by taking due account of governance requirements and tax optimisation opportunities;
  • Assisting the purchase price allocation of a proposed operation with respect to the buying company’s balance sheet;
  • In close coordination with the legal advisor, assisting in drawing up the deed of conveyance and monitoring the post-closing phase (especially as they will be the subjects appointed to determine price adjustments);
  • Identifying financial needs related to the operation and assistance in raising capital.


With respect to the foregoing needs, Consimp prides itself on the outcome of numerous operations whose success is attributable to the speed and flexibility of its actions and the interdisciplinary approach of the team involved in each case.

Moreover, Consimp’s professional staff is fully conversant with the administrative and tax problems of medium-sized companies and has adopted a pragmatic and problem-solving approach where achieving a satisfactory outcome for the company/client and/or entrepreneur is central. Consimp offers a bespoke service, adapted to the size of the company, along with a personalized service. 

Special attention is given assisting transactions with foreign counterparts by providing a service tailored to accommodate each counterpart, and measuring each task against the sector’s highest standards. This is proven by our excellent track list of transactions concluded in recent years.